Friday, March 6, 2009

How NOT to be targeted by the evil #queryfail

Thursday, March 6, 2009

Yesterday various agents and editors got together on Twitter and posted a wild rash of reasons they will reject a query letter. If you haven't read the 140 or less character tweets we collected, now would be a really good time.

How do you write a winning query letter that won't be labeled "fail" by these editors, agents and interns working in publishing houses? We've collected a few really good articles that will help you get your foot in the door. Take a gander: (hint: click the links as they'll take you directly to the article we're referencing.)

  • Mystery author, S. W. Hubbard, has a great article here:
  • Ester Heller, Editor-in-Chief, Targum Press posted the following guidelines Nov. 2008:
  • A summation of yesterday's #queryfail experiment and lessons learned can be found here at the Belletrinsic blog:
  • Tara Lazar did a summation, too, that's worth perusing and can be found here:
  • Colleen Lindsay, the literary agent (FinePrint Literary Management) responsible for yesterday's #queryfail, has a site crammed full of useful information to pick through. Start here: and be sure to look around the site, it's very useful!
  • Jill Corcoran has a very well put together "how to write a query letter" post that's very timely, too, as it was published on March 1st, 2009: Be sure to check out the posts she links to as well (run your cursor over the page to find the links which aren't underlined). Bookmark the post as it is a great resource!

Still need more? Want a template of sorts? Short of sending out the monkeys to write it for you (and no, we won't do that -- didn't you read yesterday's capture of the #queryfail tweets?), Nathan Bransford with Curtis Brown LTD provides you with a great "Mad Lib" style query letter. Just be sure to change it up a bit so it's more personalized! Go check it out at:

If you have your own tips, winning recipe, experience to share, by all means, leave a comment! Good luck, too!

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