Sunday, February 1, 2009

Craft Chat and Critique Workshop Feb. 7th

Location: Butte County Library - Chico Branch 
                Public Meeting Room (across from circulation desk)
Address:  1108 Sherman Avenue (cross First Avenue)
Date:       Saturday, February 7, 2009
Times:      4:00 - 7:00 P.M.


4:00 - 5:00 PM  Craft Chat and Exercise
Topic: Punctuation

As always, we have a great time with the creative, insightful, thought-provoking writing exercises.  Be sure to bring your laptop or a pad of paper and pen and write on the topic assigned.

5:00 - 7:00 PM  Critique Workshop

Members-in-Good-Standing will critique manuscripts already distributed to the membership.

Next meeting: Saturday, February 21, 2009 4-7pm at the Chico Branch, Butte County Library.

Upcoming events: Synopsis workshop and lecture series.  The Chico Writer's Group is preparing to present a workshop on how to write an industry acceptable synopsis.  Currently we are seeking published authors of fiction, preferably individuals whose first work has been published within the past 5-7 years, who are able to speak about the process of writing a synopsis.  We are also interested in agents, editors and publishing representatives to address the group.  If you are interested, please contact Kathie Leung at kathie dot blog at gmail dot com.  Be sure to include in the subject line: Synopsis Workshop Interest. 

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