Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Interact: Weaving Events and Places

Stories can take place all within a matter of minutes or, span out over years, lifetimes.  They can remain in the area of a square foot, encompass the entire planet, or reach far beyond into outer space or even beyond the mind.  As the writer, you must chose how you want the story to unfold, where the characters are located and paint the picture so your audience can visualize the setting.  Or, settings.  You might want the reader to be far removed, looking down from the clouds as the characters move about.  Or maybe you'd like the audience to be seated right next to your protagonist -- possibly become the protagonist or, better yet, antagonist! 

Recently a couple of our writing group members met for coffee.  During the casual conversation, the discussion evolved to one about place and setting.  How appropriate seeing our upcoming craft chat will be about just that: place and setting.  The frustration one writer was experiencing was borne from moving rapidly back and forth in the story, jumping from one part of the nation to another, sometimes having events occurring simultaneously yet in different chapters.  How, the question surfaced, do you keep your audience engaged?  The idea of placing time and location stamps throughout the story was suggested. 

What ideas do you have?  What have you done in your own stories?  What have you seen other authors do in similar situations?  What worked for you or didn't?  Take a moment and share your thoughts by clicking on the comments link.  Remember, your email address will not be published, however it is necessary; otherwise our spam detection bot will toss it into the trash. 

Monday, August 18, 2008

Meet and Greet: An icebreaker for new members...

and those just "browsing"

Event Info
Host: Chico Writer's Group
Type: Meetings - Club/Group Meeting
Network: Chico, CA

Time and Place
Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008
Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Empire Coffee Shop
Street: 434 Orange Street
City/Town: Chico, CA
View Map

Contact Info
Use the comment section below to contact us.  Your email address will not be published, but a valid one is required for us to reply.

Meeting Info
Prior to our regular writer's group craft and critique workshop, we'll be hosting an hour-long Meet and Greet.  If you have been trying to make it to one of our meetings or are interested and would like to learn more, this is your opportunity to ask questions, meet members and let us get the chance to know you. Not to mention, the organic coffee at the Empire Coffee shop is wonderful!

Craft Chat: Setting

You're invited to the Chico Writer's Group
Craft and Critique Workshop

Event Info
Host: Chico Writer's Group (Link leads to our Facebook Club page where members can RSVP. *)
Time and Place
Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Note: New members please join us for the meet and greet an hour prior to the workshop.  More information is [here]. 
Location: Empire Coffee Shop
Street: 434 Orange Street
City/Town: Chico, CA
View Map

Contact Info
Please use the comment form below and be certain to use a valid address so that we may respond.  Your email address will not be published.

Meeting Info
If you're new to the group, please come by at 1:00 p.m. where you can have the chance to meet us, ask any questions you might have and share with us a bit about you.

2:00 PM Share and discuss writing exercise 
     From The Writer's Idea Book, by Jack Heffron
"Describe two places and compare them to each other. Choose places that are very different. For example, compare the Vatican to a laundromat, the Oregon Coast to a strip mall. You may find this impossible to do, but keep trying. Look for ways to connect these places, if only in the most peripheral ways. The point is to see beyond the surface, to avoid the easy detail, the most obvious modifiers. Anyone can talk about the awesome splendor of the Grand Canyon; only you will find it as eternal as an all-night gas station."

Note: Writing exercise from our meeting 8/16 may be worked on, but for time and space considerations, if you'd like to share and discuss, please do so via email or after the meeting Sunday.

2:30 PM Craft Chat: Topic is Place and Setting
     We know that the setting of a story is place, time and social context. We know a successful story is rooted in place. Our characters must be in a landscape such as a forest, a bedroom or some other land imagined for the reader to experience the sense of place. If the story can be moved from let's say, 1950's Nebraska to 2000's New York without affect, the story is most likely not working. The interconnections with setting and character cannot be separated as a character is shaped by his or her environment. So how does a writer use setting to reveal character and feeling? Come to the craft chat where we'll explore the importance of setting.

3:00 PM Critiques 
     All critiques for this workshop have been assigned.  Regular attending members have been provided their copy of the material.  Please be certain to bring your copy!  
     Members wishing to have their work critiqued must email it to Kathie by Sunday, August 31st. The earlier, the better as this allows members ample time to read and make notes for the discussion. If you require more information regarding our guidelines, please refer to the following articles:

Also, please refer to the links in the navigation column  on our main website, for useful information.

*About Facebook Club Page:  If you aren't a member of Facebook, consider joining.  It's free and a great way to keep abreast of upcoming events, activities and other features of the Chico Writer's Group.  There are two Chico Writer's Group pages online at Facebook.  Make sure you are adding to the CLUB and not the FAN page as the FAN page will most likely be closed down in the very near future.  Once you've added the club page, navigate to the Administrator (Kathie) and add yourself as a friend (maybe add a comment you're a new member of the writer's group) so that you are receiving invitations. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Craft Critique Workship Sat. August 16th

Craft & Critique Workshop Sat. August 16th

Location: Empire Coffee Shop, Orange Street
Time: 9:00-10:30A.M.
Date: Saturday, August 16th, 2008
RSVP: kathie dot blog at gmail dot com or 530-521-4264
Guests: Open to anyone in the Chico/Paradise/Oroville/Hamilton City/Orland area (or those who can make it to our meeting place!)
Facebook: We’re on Facebook!

9:00 - 9:30 AM Share and Discuss Assigned Writing Exercise: (Either email a copy to everyone, be prepared to read outloud or bring enough copies for everyone. Contact Kathie for further information and instructions.)

“Character: Write a scene using no physical characteristics to describe a character or characters. Give them movement, dialogue, reactions, but don’t tells us what they look like. How much depth do you get from what it is they say and do?” (from Word Ferret)

9:30 - 10:00 AM Craft Chat: Character

Many craft books and teachings for novice writers suggest a list of questions to answer before writing character. You have seen these questions: What’s the character’s eye color? Where was he born? Hobbies? What’s in his pockets? These answers do not deepen character as real character exploration hasn’t yet occurred. Your goal is to create a character who is real. So what is a better way to think of character? There are a different set of questions that can better draw you into the character’s life. We will explore these.

10:00 - 10:30 AM Manuscript Critique: Manuscript from R. A. S. (please contact Kathie at: kathie dot blog at gmail dot com to request a copy of the manuscript if you have not already received it.) Critique will be lead by Kathie whom will use the following Critique Worksheet (please use this sheet to help guide the critique):

Author Name / Title of Piece
Concept (Scope/Originality)
Plot (Conflict/Crisis/Resolution)
Characterization (Action/Appearance/Thought)
Dialog (Tension/Rhythm/Diction)
Setting (Time and Place/Concrete Detail)
Tone (Language/Style)
Additional Comments

This meeting is open to anyone who can physically attend. If you are out of the area but still interested in a writing group, please contact Kathie at

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