Thursday, November 27, 2008

Craft Chat, Critique Workshop and End of NaNoWriMo Celebration

Whether or not you even participated in the tenth anniversary of National Novel Writing Month or won the challenge of writing 50,000 words in 30 days, it's time to celebrate this momentous event!  We'll be having a pot luck this coming Sunday, November 30th from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at the Chico branch of the Butte County Library.  RSVPs are required.  Please leave a comment below if you haven't already received an email invitation and would like to attend.

We'll be writing more flash fiction as a writing exercise on Sunday after our last experience went quite well.  Our topic for the craft chat will be the use of a metaphor to convey a theme.  Be sure to bring your laptop and/or a pad of paper and pen along with you as we'll be writing!

We also have 4 pieces to critique, a short story that came from a writing exercise and 3 poems.  Chico Writer's Group members have already received their copies and are expected to have read them, commented upon them and bring the printed out copy to our meeting to discuss and then return, with comments, to the original author.  If you did not receive a copy but would like to attend, leave a comment here (be sure to use a working, valid email address) and we'll confirm your reservation.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

NaNoWriMo Write-Ins

The Chico Writer's Group will be holding several write-ins throughout the month of November for writers to work on their novel for National Novel Writing Month (or just to write on whatever their current work is.)  We will be foregoing the critique workshop mid-November and use that time for a write-in and resume our workshops on Sunday, November 30th. 

The schedule for write-ins won't come with advance notice but we'll attempt to post them here as time and opportunity presents itself.  Here are the current write-in dates and times and places:

Wednesday, November 5th: 9am - noon at Augie's (250 Salem Street, next to St. Augustine's church, corner of 3rd Street and Salem in downtown Chico).

Sunday, November 16th: Time and location to be announced.

You do not have to be a member of the Chico Writer's Group to attend but it would be greatly appreciated if you would contact us to let us know you plan to attend.  These meetings may be cancelled if there isn't enough interest generated, so please check with our website before heading out! 

To learn more about the National Novel Writing Month, visit  As the site is being hit hard now that the event is in full-swing, if you're receiving an error, please try back later.  There still is time to register and get in on the fun, so visit today!